RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Course

Duration: 4 or 5 days,

Number of students: MAX 12

A comprehensive introduction to cruising for inexperienced skippers, who are planning to navigate in familiar waters during the day.

The course is run over 4 (if part of a combination, theory and practical course) or 5 days and includes nautical terminology, rope work, safety and emergency procedures, collision avoidance, compass, chart work, tides, meteorology, passage planning and pilotage.

The course can be run with option B&B and non residential.

The classroom based course will be held in a classroom in Gdańsk, Stocznia Cesarska. Course topics include: the basic of seamanship, the essentials of coastal navigation and pilotage, chartwork, electronic charts, position fixing, plotting a course to steer, weather forecasting and meteorology, tides, collision regulations, construction, parts and equipment of a cruising yacht, emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, use of flares, safety harnesses, lifejackets and life rafts.


Option 1

RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Virtual Classroom online

2 weekends, Zoom based virtual classroom online course

The RYA Day Skipper Shorebased non-residential course with Sailpro School of Yachting consists of 2 weekends online Zoom.us theory course RYA Day Skipper Shorebased.

The course will be run as live with an instructor all ON-LINE via ZOOM.

We will begin on Friday at 1800 and Saturdays and Sundays 0930-1730.

500 Euro

27-29.01.2023 and 10-12.02.2023

Individual tuitions - P. O. A

Dates and Pricing

Option 2

RYA Day Skipper Shorebased

5 days

The RYA Day Skipper Shorebased residential course with Sailpro School of Yachting consists of 5 days classroom theory course RYA Day Skipper Shorebased. If the shorebased course is combined in one session with a practical RYA Day Skipper course then it takes 4 days in a classroom and 9 days combined theory plus practical. It will be marked as part of COMBINATION). Students who wish to enrol into RYA Shorebased course ONLY should chose a 5 day course NOT marked as COMBINATION.

400 Euro in a group 7-12

500 Euro in a group 3-6

Number of students: max 12

Individual tuitions - P. O. A

08-12.02.2023, Gdańsk, Poland

04-07.03.2023, Gdańsk, Poland COMBINATION

20-23.05.2023, Gdańsk, Poland COMBINATION

09-13.06, Gdańsk, Poland

11-15.08.2023, Gdańsk, Poland